Saturday, April 1, 2017

Kyrgyz Quiz Playlist

I've created a playlist of all of my Kyrgyz vocabulary quizzes:

In order to take these quizzes, you'll have to set up the Kyrgyz keyboard for your computer. This is easy to do through your regional and language settings in Control Panel (on a windows machine) The Kyrgyz layout is exactly the same as the Russian one, except with the added letters ө, ү, and ң being added using right ALT + the russian letter they are most like: о, у and н) When I first started learning to type in Russian I markered up my keyboard, after a while, I taped a small piece of paper with the Russian QWERTY layout on it to the side of my keyboard. That was more effective, as the marker wore off, but now I can type in Russian (or Kyrgyz) without looking.